World Mental
Health Day

Need mental
health support?

If you are struggling with your own
mental health and are in need of
support or
someone to talk to, please
note we are not a mental health provider
Please reach out to your local
mental health providers, or emergency
services if you
are in need of urgent
assistance. Free and confidential support
is also available
through the following
free phone and text support in
the following countries:

North America

Text KSHELPS to 741741 to
connect with Crisis Text Line
the U.S. or text KSHELPS to
686868 to connect with Crisis
Text Line powered by Kids Help
Phone in Canada.

United Kingdom

Text SHOUT to 85258 for
free, 24/7 crisis response
support from Shout.


Visit or call

Take Action

Looking to learn more about mental
health and wellbeing? We've
with the Mental Health
Coalition to create a resource to do
just that. Because
simply being more
aware can unlock possibilities
for any woman.

Explore The Guide

click to read

Tools from Mental
Health Coalition

click to read

Our Communities
in Mental Health

Explore our campaigns around
mental health and empowerment.
Follow us @katespadeny for more!

Let’s Talk

We’ve started conversations around identity
mental health in the Black community.

Celebrate International Women’s Day

Our Social Impact Council members discussed
how mental
health plays into their work,
for IWD and all year long.